Join Us In Making a Difference in our Community!
Please join in our mission, and support the men and women of law enforcement, Donate Here!
Our officers frequently go into harm’s way to protect our community and defend our freedoms. When an officer is critically injured and their family needs support, WE are there. Our law enforcement Association provides the necessary support for medical bills, funeral expenses, and other critical needs. We stand by our officers and their families in times of need, and we are hoping you will stand side-by-side with us as partners.
YOUR generous donation will also help us support our community through programs like community outreach, little leagues, families in need, and other worthy causes. Click here to learn more about our efforts to improve our community.
That’s why we are asking for your Help, Please Donate Today!
YOU can join our police family and be part of a community team that connects us all!
Thank YOU for your time, your donation, and your committed support!
Highest Regards,
Belvedere Police Officers' Association